Updated On February 1, 2025
Published On February 1, 2025
Win - 1.1.0 , Mac - 1.1.0
File Sizes
19.8 MB , 5.6 MB
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Aescripts – Curve Tracer Download v1.1.0 (Win, Mac)

Curve Tracer is a sophisticated automatic tool for simulating the steps to create realistic pencil strokes. Its work starts with coarse sketches and follows spectral curves and shading to add additional dimensions to them. It examines the contour and edge of the image, converting them into a spline and then smoothing or decimating them in the vector space, rendering them as continuous segments.

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We have shared direct download links for the product Curve Tracer on this page. The shared files are in RAR format. To extract the files, use WinRAR on Windows, The Unarchiver, or similar software on macOS. Installation instructions are provided within this post or included in the files. If you encounter any issues with installation or extraction, feel free to contact us through the Contact Us section, and we will respond within 24 hours.

Additionally, you can download similar products from our website by clicking here.

Satori – Curve Tracer Features

  • Sketch Contour Saver: Heuristic approach to detecting contours. It retrieves closed contours as curves instead of edges.
  • Curves Customization: One gets to influence the width, smoothness, style (we can choose to set it to solid or dashed), and even the appearance of the ends of the curve, which is controlled by the curves.
  • Assistant Presets: There is always a different setting of importance, which ranges from the roughest preset to approach to the hand-drawn sketching contours.
  • Lighting Controlling: Add lighting curves on specified positions with control over the virtual light placing and scaling – create lighting contours.
  • Pencil Drawn Effect: Create the animation by overlaying lenses of different frames and setting the frames to a semi-transparent level, which helps achieve the drawing effect without using a real pencil.
  • A final image combining: Frame skipping gives the hand-drawn effect whilst blending the torso with the final image helps to set this blurry soft halo effect.

Curve Tracer Documentation

Installation help Click To Download

Image 1: Width of curves in pixel units
Curve Tracer - Width of curves in pixel units

Image 2: A choice between Solid or Dashed curves; Dashed will appear as a series of short strokes
Curve Tracer - A choice between Solid or Dashed curves; Dashed will appear as a series of short strokes

Image 3: Line Ending Length and Width

Curve Tracer - Line Ending Length and Width

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