Updated On January 22, 2025
Published On December 29, 2024
Win - 1.06 , Mac - 1.06
File Sizes
451.8 KB
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Aescripts – Vigoro Download v1.06 (Win, Mac)

Vigoro is a potent tool for crafting sophisticated offset animations. With over 150 options, users can create complex designs with just a few keyframes. This highly adaptable plugin assists in time, scale, rotation changes, and much more to promote variance in animation.

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We have shared direct download links for the product Vigoro on this page. The shared files are in RAR format. To extract the files, use WinRAR on Windows, The Unarchiver, or similar software on macOS. Installation instructions are provided within this post or included in the files. If you encounter any issues with installation or extraction, feel free to contact us through the Contact Us section, and we will respond within 24 hours.

Additionally, you can download similar products from our website by clicking here.

OtherCubed – Vigoro Features

  • Offsets: Create more fluid animations with fewer keyframes by offsetting time, scale, rotation, etc.
  • Text Layers: Add animated text to bring your animations to life. They can also be animated using distributions, cuts, or wiggling.
  • 3D Layers: Vigoro is 3D ready for all layers. Add cameras, lights, and other 3D elements.
  • Custom Layer Controls: Master individual layers so your creativity knows no bounds. You can change the position or color of a layer and
  • arrange them into pictures.
  • Colors: Easily add different colors to layers by selecting starting and ending colors. Also, fill and stroke sampled layers for more control.

Vigoro Documentation

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Image 1: These controls typically let you adjust the timing, delay, or acceleration of animations easily, enhancing the dynamic feel of your compositions.

Vigoro - These controls typically let you adjust the timing, delay, or acceleration of animations easily, enhancing the dynamic feel of your compositions.

Image 2: Allows for the precise placement of layers or objects around a circular path or point.

Vigoro - Allows for the precise placement of layers or objects around a circular path or point.

Image 3: Effortlessly create intricate offset animations with powerful customization tools.

Vigoro - Effortlessly create intricate offset animations with powerful customization tools.

Image 4: Transform layers, colors, and effects into stunning motion graphics in minutes

Vigoro - Transform layers, colors, and effects into stunning motion graphics in minutes

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