Updated On February 9, 2025
Published On February 9, 2025
2.0 for Blender 3.3 to 4.2
File Sizes
5.0 GB , 1.9 GB
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True Space is a set of over 30 captivating, high-quality HDR images of Space that feature alien planets, binary stars, nebulae, and galaxies. Including a one-of-a-kind world shader and an easy-to-navigate interface for rapid scene changes, it’s flawless for developing realistic works without the hassle of using procedural worlds. It’s perfect for creating space-based environments devoid of overly complex followed worlds.

Download True Space Blender Addon Latest Version from the below:

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We have shared direct download links for the product True Space Blender Addon on this page. The shared files are in RAR format. To extract the files, use WinRAR on Windows, The Unarchiver, or similar software on macOS. Installation instructions are provided within this post or included in the files. If you encounter any issues with installation or extraction, feel free to contact us through the Contact Us section, and we will respond within 24 hours.

Additionally, you can download similar products from our website by clicking here.

How do you install True Space Blender Addon from the RAR file?

  • Extract “Blender Market – True Space v2.part1.rar – Size (5.0 GB)” to a folder using any extraction tool.
  • Check the extracted contents:
    1. If you see ZIP files, open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install, and select the ZIP file to install.
    2. If you see Python (.py) files, follow these steps:
      1. Rename the extracted folder to match the “True Space” (if it isn’t already).
      2. Right-click the folder and compress it into a ZIP file.
      3. Open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install and select the newly created ZIP file.
  • After installation, don’t forget to enable the addon in Blender’s preferences by checking the box next to its name. You’re all set!

True VFX – True Space Features

  • High-Quality HDR Images: Thirty-plus alien worlds, binary stars, and galaxies are captured in thirty-plus dynamic space HDRi images.
  • Optimized for Fast Rendering: With optimized files for 4k, 8k, 12k, and 18k resolution scenes, files can be changed in and out quickly with simple, fast swapping.
  • Custom World Shader: Fine-tune light intensity and exposure to adjust how the scene precisely looks with the adjustments.
  • Easy-to-Use Interface: Effortless switching of worlds in your scenes through the software’s innovative interface.
  • Artistic Skill & Accuracy: The spatial light, gas outline, and vacuum physics set the premise for the meticulous excavation approach.

Preview True VFX

Image 1: Custom World Shader

True Space - Custom World Shader

Image 2: Easy-to-Use Interface

Custom World Shader - Easy-to-Use Interface

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