Updated On February 2, 2025
Published On February 2, 2025
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Gumroad – Abandoned City Generator Geometry Nodes Download

Abandoned City Generator Geometry nodes are created to build detailed overgrown urban areas. They provide various controls over terrain dimensions, road outlines, and planned building designs.

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We have shared direct download links for the product Abandoned City Generator on this page. The shared files are in RAR format. To extract the files, use WinRAR on Windows, The Unarchiver, or similar software on macOS. Installation instructions are provided within this post or included in the files. If you encounter any issues with installation or extraction, feel free to contact us through the Contact Us section, and we will respond within 24 hours.

Additionally, you can download similar products from our website by clicking here.

How do you install Abandoned City Generator from the RAR file?

  • Extract “Blender – Abandoned City Generator – Geometry Nodes.rar – Size (14.5 MB)” to a folder using any extraction tool.
  • Check the extracted contents:
    1. If you see ZIP files, open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install, and select the ZIP file to install.
    2. If you see Python (.py) files, follow these steps:
      1. Rename the extracted folder to match the “Abandoned City Generator” (if it isn’t already).
      2. Right-click the folder and compress it into a ZIP file.
      3. Open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install and select the newly created ZIP file.
  • After installation, don’t forget to enable the addon in Blender’s preferences by checking the box next to its name. You’re all set!

Miha Marinko – Abandoned City Generator Geometry Nodes Features

Core Functionality:

  • Procedural Generation: Abandoned cities are created using geometry nodes, so many customisation options exist.
  • Parameter-Driven Customization: Parameter Customization can be applied to all the parts of spraying and planting OBJ, road space, building sizes, and vegetation cover.

City Elements:

  • Diverse Building Structures: In the city and its surroundings, multi-shaped and sized buildings are constructed to give each city its own character.
  • Realistic Vegetation: Trees, grass, and vines are placed to imitate overgrown and broken decayed textures.
  • Dispersed Items: This section introduces details such as vehicles, lighting poles, and mobile masts to create a more appealing urban setting.

Preview Abandoned City Generator Geometry Nodes Blender

Image 1: Uses Geometry Nodes to create customizable abandoned cityscapes.

Abandoned City Generator Geometry Nodes - Uses Geometry Nodes to create customizable abandoned cityscapes.

Image 2: Creates buildings in diverse sizes and shapes, adding to the city’s distinctive character.

Abandoned City Generator Geometry Nodes - Creates buildings in diverse sizes and shapes, adding to the city's distinctive character.

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