Updated On January 29, 2025
Published On December 24, 2024
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109.6 MB
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KeenTools – FaceBuilder for Blender Download v2024.3.0

Facebuilder For Blender is an advanced tool for creating photorealistic 3D faces with the aid of AI for aligning the mesh with the image, sculpting in real-time tracking, and integrating with MetaHuman Creator and Character Creator 4 to quickly assemble the highly detailed and customizable 3D animated human faces for use in projects digitally.

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We have shared direct download links for the product FaceBuilder for Blender on this page. The shared files are in RAR format. To extract the files, use WinRAR on Windows, The Unarchiver, or similar software on macOS. Installation instructions are provided within this post or included in the files. If you encounter any issues with installation or extraction, feel free to contact us through the Contact Us section, and we will respond within 24 hours.

Additionally, you can download similar products from our website by clicking here.

How do you install FaceBuilder for Blender from the RAR file?

  • Extract “KeenTools – FaceBuilder v2024.3.0 for Blender.rar – Size (109.6 MB)” to a folder using any extraction tool.
  • Check the extracted contents:
    1. If you see ZIP files, open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install, and select the ZIP file to install.
    2. If you see Python (.py) files, follow these steps:
      1. Rename the extracted folder to match the “FaceBuilder for Blender” (if it isn’t already).
      2. Right-click the folder and compress it into a ZIP file.
      3. Open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install and select the newly created ZIP file.
  • After installation, don’t forget to enable the addon in Blender’s preferences by checking the box next to its name. You’re all set!

KeenTools – FaceBuilder for Blender Features

  • Photorealistic 3D Faces: You can make a digital face that is highly detailed and realistic using only photos.
  • AI-Powered Mesh Alignment: Referenced images enable the automated alignment of meshes, which increases the efficiency of the modeling development cycle.
  • Real-Time Sculpting: Make changes to the sculpture in real time and track the changes in 3D.
  • Generate your desired textures instantly with One-Click Texturing by merging the face’s different angles for a touch-up-free finish.
  • Support for Facial Expressions: Set and forge many different types of faces even when a person is expressing a non-neutral emotion.
  • Different Levels of Details: Sculpt and export the model using various levels of polygon detail like high, mid, and low.
  • MetaHuman and Cg4 Integration: Import the models directly into MetaHuman Creator and Character Creator 4 to use in your existing pipelines.
  • FACS Blendshapes: This comes with 51 built-in blend shapes compatible with ARKit for face animation.
  • Only One Picture Needed: Create a 3D head model with only one reference photo.
  • Now You Can GeoTracker Headtrack: Create CGI integrated into live-action footage with head-tracking technology.
  • Flexible Export: 3D faces can be exported to several available formats for other 3D programs.

FaceBuilder Documentation

Installation help Click To Download

Image 1: Switch your model to high, mid, and low poly any time when sculpting or exporting.

FaceBuilder for Blender - Switch your model to high, mid and low poly any time when sculpting or exporting.

Image 2: Instantly see the result in 3D

FaceBuilder for Blender - Instantly see result in 3D

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