Aescripts – Type Morph Download v2.4 (Win, Mac)
Type Morph offers a new way to work with text in After Effects, as designers can now work with different variations of fonts. It replaces the need to use text morphing plugins since they have made it easier to animate between a font's width, weight, and serif attributes.
Aescripts – VariFont Download v2.0.1 (Win, Mac)
VariFont is a local After Effects plugin that helps Variable Fonts, leveraging interpolation and extrapolation utilized by font designers. It allows for dynamic animation of font axes like weight, width, and slant, enabling designers to distribute fonts with built-in variability.
Aescripts – Stretch it 2 Download v2.3 (Win, Mac)

Aescripts - Stretch it After Effects is a groundbreaking device that simplifies the advent of stretched and condensed lettering outcomes within text layers. It is even implemented in footage like photos or movies. It has a 360° stretch path capability, multiple stretch factor creation, and comprehensive animation controls immediately reachable through the Effect Controls pa..

Aescripts – Text Chain Download 2.0 (Win, Mac)
Text Chain is an After Effects script that simplifies the introduction of complex textual content layouts. It dynamically hyperlinks more than one text layer, considering specific manipulation over spacing, alignment, and ordinary width.