Aescripts – SVG2AE Download v1.0 (Win, Mac)

For After Effects, SVG2AE is a robust plugin that allows users to import SVG files as Shape Layers. Dropping SVG files into the extension window will convert them to shape layers.

Aescript – imgPaster Download v1.0 (Win)
imgPaster for After Effects is an innovative extension that improves the process of importing images to your projects. While it is not challenging to paste pictures from the clipboard, this new extension has cut the time it took to allow after-effects access images on your clipboard; this includes allowing PS to open transparent pictures in PNG format automatically.
Aescripts – FontShaper Download v1.0.1(Win, Mac)
FontShaper is an effective tool for typography fanatics and experts. With the ability to get entry to 780+ Google Fonts and import local fonts instantly, it revolutionizes the way you manage textual content in Photoshop, After Effects, and Illustrator. Create and import textual content as vector shapes, saving time and ensuring flexibility.