Aescripts – Captioneer Download v1.3.0 (Win, Mac)
Captioneer offers a fabulous experience for editors who use Mograph, allowing one to generate captions swiftly and efficiently in Premiere Pro. The tool embeds well into the editing supply chain with custom presets and MOGRTs to support enhanced animation.
Aescripts – Super Resize Me Download v1.1 (Win, Mac)
Aescripts - Super Resize Me for After Effects is not only simple, but it's also a multipurpose tool. It makes changing the composition's size and scaling all the relevant layers easier. It is perfect for transitions between resolutions, such as from HD to 4K, so it works for resizing individual comps and bulk support comp for versioning.
Aescripts – Style Bandit Download v1.0 (Win, Mac)
Style Bandit is a tool that simplifies text styling in After Effects. It permits you to copy font properties and paragraph alignment settings from one text layer and observe them to more than one decided-on layer, even throughout distinct comps and tasks.